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Main category, Utilities
Sub category, File Management
Developer, Erwin Bonsma
Filesize, 3174
Title, GrandPerspective

Top 5 alternatives to GrandPerspective for Mac
1. Download MacRemover and install it by dragging its icon to the application folder.
For most people, the right solution isn’t to disable this security feature. Instead, you should manually authorize each “unidentified developer” app the first time it launches. The pictures above show how this is done: after you get the warning dialog, go to the Apple menu, pick System Preferences, select the Security & Privacy icon, and hit the Open Anyway button. Your app will pop open, and you won’t see Apple’s warning dialog again unless you download an updated version of the app later.
GrandPerspective seems to be the *only, free, open-source and constantly updated disk usage analyzer for macOS. Therefore, if you wish to support the author and encourage him to keep releasing newer and better versions please consider a donation!
Author's review
� Disk usage visualisation by way of tree maps


Featured for MacOS [2983 KB]

Recomended Sierra [3618 KB]

Sierra [3713 KB]

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"Our favorite Mac applications for managing hard disks are GrandPerspective and Onyx" (excellent tutorial on the use of filters) "Picks of the Week - 2011 Week 34" Allenroids Current Version Gives you a good overview of where your disk space has gone. Since you've already submitted a review for this product, this submission will be added as an update to your original review. � Convenient navigation of views: Traverse up and down the folder hierarchy, Select files and folders in the view • Drawing and scanning are carried out in background threads

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