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Main category Education
Sub category Science
Developer Mike Wesemann
Filesize 10240
Title Plot2 Pro
▸ Plot2 Pro version 2.6.11

Powerful keyboard and mouse plot manipulation.
Hi all, I've been trying to use Octave/Aquaterm to plot 2 sets of experimental data, and I'm running to some serious speed issues. Each data set consists of about 30,000 data points. The first data set is a series of impulses, and Gnuplot/Aquaterm plots it fairly quickly (within 5-10 sec's on my G3-400), The 2nd data set is the measured impulse response time history, and looks like random noise. The 2nd set takes about 15 to 20 minutes to display on my machine. By comparison, Octave/Gnuplot running under XDarwin plots the same data in about 15-20 seconds. (I also noticed that if I save the plot to a PDF file, Preview and Acrobat take about 20 minutes to open and display the file). I was wondering if reducing the resolution in Aqua_xmax and Aqua_ymax would help reduce the display time. I thought I would get some opinions before I tried to figure out how to recompile everything (I'm not a programmer). Thanks, Herb
Hi I am really new at this and not very experienced in unix. I have G4 running with OSX 10.3. 1. I followed the instructions in the INSTALL file 1) Drag to /Applications 2) Copy (in ./lib) to /usr/local/lib/ 3) Create a link -> using the command sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/ 4) Copy the contents of ./include to /usr/local/include 2. I want to use aquaterm with fortran. So I tried to compile the demos. First I noticed that in the Makefile the following library search path is used: -L$(HOME)/lib But this is NOT where the instructions told me to put files. Consequentially it does not link with the provided Makefile. 3. Since the library has been put in /usr/local/lib I used this as a search path -L/usr/local/lib. But first I do gcc -c -I/usr/local/include/aquaterm f2aquaterm.m which works and produces a file aquaterm.o But the fortran compilation fort77 -o demo demo.f f2aquaterm.o -L/usr/local/lib -laquaterm -lobjc still does not work. Below is what I get in response which is telling me that it does not find the aquaterm routines Warning on line 341: local variable lw never used Warning on line 341: local variable strbuf never used ld: Undefined symbols: _aqtaddedgetovertex_ _aqtaddfilledrect_ _aqtaddimagewithbitmap_ _aqtaddlabel_ _aqtaddlineto_ _aqtaddpolygon_ _aqtaddpolyline_ _aqtaddtransformedimagewithbitmap_ _aqtcloseplot_ _aqtinit_ _aqtmoveto_ _aqtmovetovertex_ _aqtopenplot_ _aqtrenderplot_ _aqtresetimagetransform_ _aqtsetcolor_ _aqtsetcolormapentry_ _aqtsetfontname_ _aqtsetfontsize_ _aqtsetimagetransform_ _aqtsetlinecapstyle_ _aqtsetlinewidth_ _aqtsetplotsize_ _aqtsetplottitle_ _aqttakecolorfromcolormapentry_ So what do I do wrong?? Probably something really stupid. ------- Peter Jung Department of Physics and Astronomy and Quantitative Biology Institute Ohio University , Athens, OH 45701 phone:740-593-1720 fax:740-593-0433 email: jungp@... ------- Join the Division of Biological Physics of the APS!
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Microsoft Mathematics Add-In for Word and OneNote • New look and feel • Animated 3D background • Updated video player engine • New menu with section names • Improved support across all platforms Plot is a scientific 2D plotting program. Plot is designed for everyday plotting, it is easy to use... Hello- Do any of you guys know if there is a nice way to plot from MATLAB to Aquaterm on os x? My labmate and I use MATLAB for our research, which involves a lot of demanding 3D plotting. MATLAB's current rendering code is bugging the hell out of us, so we're looking for better ways of rendering stuff directly from MATLAB. We're heavily dependent on other features specific to MATLAB, so going to Octave isn't quite an option yet (almost is; we would just need to re-implement some of the code we use from Matlab toolboxes.) gnuplot could be an intermediary, but need not be. I found some matlab scripts for this, but they were written several years ago for windows 95 matlab. Thanks, Drew s 0 # Start at nonce 0 # next plot start at (-s value) + (-n value) • DAB Bank Model Name: MacBook Pro Flip to back Flip to front

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