

AstroGuider installer safe stable version for Mac Pro

0 appréciations

Main category - Education
Sub category - Science
Developer - CloudMakers, s. r. o.
Filesize - 34509
Title - AstroGuider
v 3.10 AstroGuider

v0.8.0 - Default exposure duration set to 1s on startup Joined: 04 Aug 2014 I found this to be the case as well, although it depended on the equipment. For instance, for me at least, using my SX-814 - the program could not gain control of the filter wheel when the camera, FW and guide camera were all plugged into a stand-alone powered USB hub and then to a 50ft active USB cable. But, there is no problem when I plug the filter wheel and guide camera into the onboard USB hub on the camera and then run a 50ft active cable to the house. I was also able to control my Moonlite stepper motor and CGEM mount with both going into a powered USB hub and then a single cable to the computer just fine. The morale of the story?: Sometime a USB hub may work, and sometimes not. - Noise reduction modes added (2x2 mean, 3x3 median) • Intelligent automatic unidirectional and manual unidirectional Dec guiding modes


Updated 10.12


Version MacOS

Software key 3.10 AstroGuider

- (1.13.7) Altered star saturation detection to also check against (global max). Low bit depth cams on faint stars were triggering b/o quantization error NFocus focuser driver, - Default Minimum Motion dropped to 0.15 from 0.25 "Orion has provided a fine autoguiding package that breaks new ground for affordability and ease of use.... Given the StarShoot AutoGuider's low cost and high level of performance, virtually every deep-sky astrophotographer can now enjoy the benefits of autoguiding." * Through ASCOM Need to install ASCOM driver at first. The following shows a simple example of how to use the library in a C++ application. - CCD Labs QGuide code altered to use new drivers from Tom Van den Eede. This driver must be used if you use a QGuide now. Nebulosity is Mac friendly and inexpensive. It has camera control and integrates fully with PHD. After all, Dr. Craig Starke is the writer of both these programs. You can achieve much with just this rather simple set-up. It will do everything that you need to get started; Camera control, dithering and guiding, file import, stacking, and even some rudimentary processing. Another program such as StarTools or Pixinsight would be preferable for processing stacked images.

| 35544 kb | Free Lkz v 3.11 AstroGuider 3.9 Version 10.11.6

| 32093 kb | Get AstroGuider v 3.13 vpV 3.8 Language Spanish

| 31058 kb | Full ASTROGUIDER 3.6 YVQ 3.14 Recomended! version

| 36234 kb | Software AstroGuider vers.3.13 uiUv 3.8 Updated 10.11

| 35199 kb | Torrent v 3.11 AstroGuider hxA 3.8 French version

| 40720 kb | Software ASTROGUIDER VERSION 3.8 VEP 3.9 Language Japanese

| 39340 kb | Latest MV0qu AstroGuider 3.6 3.9 New! version

Recomended on Sierra l6Apv-Gifski-vers-1.6.0.tar.gz [4856 kbytes] 3.7.0

Latest! version WELky-Tonido-vers- [33645 kbytes]

Version for El Captan V_1.3.6_BUTTON_SHORTCUTS_ZIEL.ZIP [8374 kbytes] 1.8.3
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